Booking info

In the interest of a better relation with our customers, please read the following rules, which you accepted officially at the time of the booking. Conclusion of the contract: the contract must be concluded in written form (e-mail, mail, fax). Every agreement or eventual requests for additional services must be in written form.
Payment of the sport services or of the sport packages: at the moment of the confirmation, the customer agrees to pay a deposit, per person, of the 25% of the total amount indicated in the offer. The rest of the amount has to be paid within 14 days before the arrival date by bank transfer. In case of forthcoming bookings, we ask for the credit card details for the authorization of the withdrawal.
Our sport services: they are based on what is written in our information material (leaflets, catalogues, website) and are based on what is written in the confirmation of the booking of our sport offer.
Termination/Cancellation by the customer: as following listed, two different cancellation policies are foreseen, depending on the type of purchased service.
A) Termination of sport services:
The purchase of one of our sport activities is non-refundable. The booking is completed (and registered on our activities agenda) only at the moment of confirmation/purchase, by the customer.
The activities are subject to changes of date and time depending on the weather conditions.
A reimburse, in these cases, is not provided, but we will provide you with a voucher that makes it possible to do the activity at any time during the ongoing season. In case of specific requests for fixing the new date, it is necessary to get in contact with our office.
In accordance with Article 34 of the “Codice del Turismo”, for the private purchases and sales (so-called “Negotiated contracts away from business premises” is explicitly excluded the right of withdrawal for the free-time activities, when a date or a specific period is planned.
B) Termination of a tourist package (accommodation and sport service):
In accordance with Article 34 of the “Codice del Turismo”, a “tourist package” is considered a holiday in which is possible to have at least one of the two following elements: a) transportation, b) accommodation, c) tourist services non depending on the accommodation or the transportation, which are part of the tourist package, for the recreational needs of the customers.
In accordance with article 55, paragraph 1, chapter b of D. Lgs n.206 06/09/2005 (Consumer Code), to the supply contracts of services for the accommodation it does not apply the right to withdraw as indicated in Article 64 of the Consumer Code.
The consumer, who wants to cancel a booking, has to give us notice in writing (fax or email). The customer can renounce the holiday/package at any time. In case of cancellation, the customer has to pay the following amounts of money:
– In case of cancellation within 21 days before the starting date of the package, (see booking confirmation): 30 Euro of cancellation fees.
In case of cancellation after that date, following penalties are applied:
– From 20 days to 8 days before the starting of the holiday, 50% of the total amount of the offer;
– From 7 days to 3 days before, 75%;
– After that time of period, 100% of the total amount. The lost days due to early departures or other reasons are non-refundable. As concerns the cancellation terms by a travel agency, and for everything not specified above, are applied the provisions of the D.Lgs 17, March 1995, n.111. To guarantee the fulfilment of the undertakings given by the sale of the tourist packages, the travel agency has to conclude special agreements for the insurance policies.